Green Link Blog by Melink

How to Be an Employee Owner with Swagger

Written by Craig Davis | 6/21/19 12:00 PM



To walk or behave in a very confident way.

"He swaggered along the corridor."

synonyms: strut, parade, stride, roll, prance;

Goals and objectives are important.  They move us forward, help us believe in ourselves and each other, and hold us accountable to meeting exceeding results.  But what good is accomplishing a goal without passion, without purpose, without style or swagger

These attributes are, in my opinion, critical toward making work fun and meaningful. If not, we’re just checking the box. In fact, these attributes are not only reflected in our people but in the products and services we offer. We’re not looking to check the box by pencil-whipping another test and balance report or installing a basic controls system. No, we want to provide insanely great service and do things the right way.  We want our customer’s to have a healthy and properly commissioned building.  Intelli-Hood® isn’t a demand control ventilation product — it’s an energy savings solution.  And any contractor can install a Solar PV system; we’re providing renewable energy solutions that meet the needs of our customers.

So as a 100% Employee Owned company, I asked my team, “How do you do your job with swagger?” Here’s what they had to say:

I try to take the time to get to know trainees on a personal level and adjust my approach to their style of learning.  This helps ensure they can retain information.  As the company's most-tenured technician, I believe it's my responsibility to impart knowledge and experience onto new generations of Employee Owners.  I have no doubt that if they can add their own style of swagger, they'll be fully capable of continuing to provide our customers with insanely great service. 
— Darryl Stones, Master Field Service Technician & Employee Owner

Our mission is to change the world, one building at a time, by helping decision-makers implement energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions into their commercial facilities. Confidence in this mission — as well as our values of integrity, innovation, and service excellence — are my keys to success.  I'm so passionate about the work we're doing, as well as my team and our customers, that I can't help but do it all with style and swagger!
— Krysta Kincaid, Account Coordinator & Employee Owner

I try to lead with integrity. When asked by someone to cut corners to get the job done quicker/easier/less expensive, I take pride in telling them no – we do the job the way it’s supposed to be done. Do anything (a task, chore, errand, favor) as you’d like to do everything in the best way possible. 
— Joel Geiman, Business Development Manager & Employee Owner

I do a lot of international work.  No matter where or when a customer calls me from somewhere in the world, I know it's my job to help address their need.  I aim to serve as their go-to subject matter expert on demand control ventilation.  Oftentimes, I try to advise above and beyond the scope of our controls.  My goal is to ensure our system integrates seamlessly with the application, whether it be new construction or a retrofit.  Not only is the energy savings critical but so is a cohesive and effective mechanical system that's been well integrated with the food service design.  My team and I are fully committed to changing the world, one building at a time. 
— Jason Brown, Senior Sales and Applications Engineer & Employee Owner

Looking polished and professional each time I go onto a job site. You'd think it takes a lot of effort to look like a GQ model every day.  But for me, it comes easy.  
— George Cook, Lead Technician & Employee Owner

I find it especially gratifying to know that my work serves the greater purpose of making the world a better place.  So, every morning when I wake up, I pause and remind myself to aim for excellence — not because it's easy or convenient but because it's hard and worth doing!  Also, as an Employee Owner, I feel like I have the power of Thor's hammer to make an impact. This electrifies my drive to look for ways to improve.  In so doing, I am not just helping myself, I'm adding value for my customers and colleagues.
—Josh Gerlock, Sales Engineer & Employee Owner

Working in Solar gives me a sunny disposition and working in Geothermal keeps me grounded. 
— Seth Parker, Vice President & General Manager of Melink Solar & Geo

With a national network consisting of  technicians, engineers, leaders and office staff, we bring the swagger of multiple military veterans to the industry. Our veterans bring a different perspective on life, leadership, and hard work. Hiring and employing military veterans offers Melink a chance to give back to those that have volunteered to give so much for our country. It is a mutually beneficial relationship in that the values learned in the military and the esprit de corps easily translate to the family environment and core values at Melink Corporation.
— Matt Meyer, Director of Field Service & Employee Owner

In retrospect, I was a little iffy on going through this exercise.  I wasn’t sure what I’d get back!  But, I’m glad I asked this question.  This feedback demonstrates the passion and purpose we’ve learned to develop in our work.  I hope you can see this as well. 

So, if you’re looking to hire an energy solutions provider whose people walk the talk, have skin in the game, and have meaning in their work — then look no further.  But if you’re looking to check the box, you may want to keep looking.