Green Link

Sharing our expertise to help you succeed

Considerations for a Successful HVAC Equipment Upgrade Program

Darren Witter

Have you ever replaced old HVAC equipment just to find that, after spending a lot of money, the comfort issues you were experiencing previously are still there? Or you now have new problems that weren’t there ...

The 3 Most Common HVAC Problems During Winter

Brent Morris

To quote a critically acclaimed HBO television series, “Winter is coming, and we know what’s coming with it.” While it may not be as bad as the army of the dead, we can expect winter to bring about a variety of HVAC issues that can cost ...

Top 5 Negative Building Pressure Problems

Brent Morris

The difference between outside air supplied to a building and air removed from inside a building is the building pressure. Typically, a slightly positive (or more air being supplied than taken out) building pressure is wanted for ...

An Outsiders Take on T&B (Co-op Edition)


Well, my tenure at Melink is coming to an end as I prepare to return back to the University of Cincinnati to complete my degree in Mechanical Engineering. As I look back on the experience, I can say that I have learned an ...