Green Link

Sharing our expertise to help you succeed

COVID-19: Exposing Operational Gaps

Mike Murphy

These days it is hard to find a business that has been immune to the impacts of COVID-19. It’s no wonder resiliency has been a hot topic during the pandemic. Melink Corp is no exception.

Creative Financing Pays for Itself with Intelli-Hood

Tom Bugg

2020 has been the most unique year that I can remember, especially when it comes to our economy. Coming off 2019, the economy was strong, companies were reinvesting and spending money, and it looked like 2020 would be another great year ...

Intelli-Hood in the Indian Market

Deebak Gobalraj

Melink’s Intelli-Hood® demand control kitchen ventilation (DCKV) system has long been a global product. But, more recently, we introduced Intelli-Hood in ...

Becoming an Intelli-Hood Sales Engineer (During a Pandemic)

Jason Eckel

Sales Engineer. These are two words that most of us have very clear ideas of what they individually mean. But what about when they are put together? Well, I was not exactly sure what to expect either, but it sounded like a challenge, ...

Why LEED Buildings Make Financial Sense

Brent Morris

The University of Notre Dame chose sustainable, LEED-approved construction options and why you should, too.